It's 2nd month in year 2008 already...Need to update liaw coz promise to update 2 posts per month..hahaha...Anyway,i really enjoy blogging actually...Tagged: Q & A
Time : 9.15 AM
Doing : Waiting Shahidul's class
Wish to say : Happy Chinese New Year...新年快乐,恭喜发财,红包拿来...谢谢
Mood: Peace
Place : Room
Why blogging this : tagged by
Ser long time ago...
Rules and regulations
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it total 20 questions, then tag to 5 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she had been tag. Whoever did the tag will have blessing from all.You must link to the one who tag you, then spread it to 5 people, let’s the game go on, return the tag to sender is prohibited.
1. What is your dream during your childhood?
~~ Be a very rich superman(Don't laugh,it's true although very 白痴)
2. You like rainy day or sunny day? Why?
~~ Rainy day is better lo.Can skip class ^^
3. What color that u prefer?
~~ Blue
4. What song are you into now?
~~ Aska-洋葱
5. Where is the place you wanted to go most? Why?
~~ Like Ser,adventures place...Find out new things in this world
6. Which part of you that you hate most?
~~ Stomach
7. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
~~ Erm...forgot when I feel sad...Just laugh when I sad...
8. What do you scare to loss the most?
~~ Family and people I love
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep secret in heart, observing by yourself?
~~ Keep secret
10. How many relationship(s) do you had before?
~~ 0
11. If you are forced to let go something, what would it be?
~~ Money
12. Till now, what is the moment that you regret most?
~~ Not serious in life...得过且过
13. Which type of person you hate most?
~~ People that like to scold people without any reason...
14. What is your ambition?
~~ Economy free and have healthy body
15. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad.
~~ From outlook...i means first impression laa
16. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
~~ peaceful and stable world...No war~
17. Chinese New Year is coming, who would like to celebrate with?
~~ Family and Friends
18. What would you do if stress?
~~ Sleep
19. At what age do you wish to marry?
~~ Dont think yet
20. Do you love your lifestyle now?Why?
~~ Yeah. Enjoy and Happy
Lazy to tag people...Anyone can write this tag if u wish.... ^^